You’ve written a book. Now what? Get your novel or memoir ready to send out to agents and publishers with the help of a New York Times bestselling author and veteran writing teacher. What the book doctor can do for you:

  • Tighten structure

  • Improve dialogue

  • Strengthen characterization

  • Hone point of view

  • Streamline descriptions

  • Identify the heart of the story

  • Find weak points in the plot

  • Crystallize the book’s theme

  • Create a plan for revision

Get started now! Here’s how it works:

1. Complete the form below to tell me a bit about your book and yourself.  

2. I’ll call you to discuss your project, and we will decide on a schedule and package that is right for you.

3. You send me the manuscript. I read it carefully.

4. I will then provide a written evaluation of your book’s strengths and weaknesses. The evaluation will include detailed feedback on structure, plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, theme, pacing, description, and anything else that is relevant to your book.

5. After you’ve had a chance to read and think about my written comments, we’ll schedule a 90-minute consultation by phone, video chat, or in person. I’ll answer any questions you have, expand on my written comments, and help you establish a plan for revising the book.

7. At this stage, you will be ready to tackle your revision with a fresh perspective. You may choose to submit your revision to me for further evaluation, or request a complete line edit of your revised manuscript. If you are in the early stages of writing your novel, or if you are preparing a sample to send out to agents, the First Fifty Pages package may be for you.

Please click here for details on packages and pricing.

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